When 20/9 2023 08:45 – 11:15
Where Studio Puck, Kommendörsgatan 24
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Join us at our upcoming event on the latest HR and people management technologies.
Virtual Talks#10 will explore how virtualisation enhances connections and inclusivity in online work environments.
Discover how digital tools are transforming people management, from hiring to employee experiences and decision-making.
Learn about using virtual platforms to strengthen teamwork, engagement, and collaboration among remote employees.
Find out strategies for creating an interactive virtual workspace using tools like video conferencing and digital communication.
Our panel will discuss challenges, cases, and best practices for building a sense of community and belonging in the digital realm, leading to improved employee satisfaction, productivity, and well-being.
Mats Hultgren
Mats Hultgren from Truesec will give an insight to how finance departments are major targets for cybercrime and how AI is affecting the cybercrime trends going forward.
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Elena Aylott Vice President Global Communications and Employee Experience, FMCG
Per Cedergren CEO & Managing Partner CIMPLEMENT INC
Menent Olivia Beyhan Responsible Sourcing Project Manager, Human Rights and OHS at Ericsson
Richard Nordell COO & Head of Customer Experience at Wisory